Stained Glass window in St. Leonard's Parish with the Jesus the Divine Mercy in the center surrounded by 12 male saints

Coronavirus Update — March 10, 2020

Posted : Mar-10-2020

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The Archdiocese of Toronto continues to work with health officials to monitor the local situation regarding active cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19). At this time, Cardinal Collins has asked all parishes to implement the following measures:

  • At the Sign of Peace, refrain from shaking hands – a simple bow, nod or “peace be with you” to your neighbour is appropriate.

  • For parishes offering communion under both species, forgo the distribution of the Precious Blood from the chalice for the congregation at this time.

  • Parishes should ensure that those distributing communion wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after the distribution of communion.

Please also continue to practice healthy hygiene – wash your hands with soap or use hand sanitizer regularly, remain home if you are sick, sneeze/cough into your sleeve and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

For those who are unable to attend Mass, Daily Mass TV broadcasts a Mass everyday on both TV and YouTube. Those videos can be found online here and the TV broadcast schedule can be found here.

Let us continue to care for ourselves and one another as we pray for all those impacted worldwide by COVID-19.